Several fonts are now available with the most current set of unifon_characters. The first two were developed by Ken Anderson. Click on the font you'd like to download.

The standard UNIFON sans serif font displayed on the site banner, in literature for early childhood, and suggested for teaching purposes. 

A casual font, for correspondence, and children may find it more friendly. 

Originally created by Vic Feiger. This set does not currently contain the newest character set. It will eventually be modified by Ken Anderson to correspond with the 2005 character set. This is the first font rendered by an artist and it is an all-purpose font.

UNIFON R 2005 - Developed by Reed Burch. This is the only serif font. It is intended for formal printing. 

Click here to download all of the official Unifon fonts in compressed

Using Windows XP? In order to put all these fonts on your computer in one step extract the files to your hard drive > windows > fonts.

During the summer of 2005 we became clearly aware, from Ken Anderson's research and conversations with John R. Malone, that he (John R. Malone) had changed some of the unifon_characters in the 1980's.

The character set we found when we began this website ...

  (represented in this chart)

  click on chart to enlarge.

... was not the one John R. Malone chose to use after 1980's. The large chart below is the character set he chose for UNIFON after 1980 .

John R. Malone's post 1980 UNIFON character set


In 2005, in consultation with John R. Malone, Steve Bett and Ken Anderson the character set was slightly modified again. The fonts available above represent the 2005 character set.

Two charts are now available with the current 2005 set of characters ... (click on either chart to enlarge it.)

This chart, developed by Steve Bett can also be found with more explanation on this page 



This chart developed by Scott White is intended to be eye appealing and suited for parent/student/teacher use.

It may also be found on this webpage

We are still in the process of converting this website in accordance with these current characters. Most of this conversion is completed but you may still find some of the older characters on this website. If you are inclined to point out the inconsistent characters to me webmaster, that that would be helpful in the process of updating.


This Spelling Reform Webring  edit

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Web Master - Pat Katzenmaier